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Vestige Products

Vestige Ayusante Products

Ayusante Vital Complex

Ayusante Vital Complex

Vital Complex is a combination of powerful natural antioxidants that act as a shield to protect from degenerative diseases and also provide strength, vigour and vitality to lead a healthy life. Power-packed with anti-oxidant rich phyto-actives, this composition helps the body to fight against oxidative stress, tackles fatigue and nourishes body tissues. It contains those beneficial ingredients which improves visual function and renders to protect the structural and functional integrity of the cells during oxidative stress.

Net contents: - 60 Capsules | MRP Rs. 750.00/-

Ayusante Benefits
Ayusante Toxcleanse 

Ayusante Toxcleanse

ToxClean is a unique powerful formulation of natural ingredients that are known to help regulate digestion, relieve constipation, flush out body toxins, cleanse colon and purify blood. They are well-researched for their antimicrobial, anti-allergic and laxative properties. It helps colon cleansing, and thus expelling various toxins from our body. Liver plays a major role in the process of detoxification. Phyto-actives present in the formulation are well researched for their hepato-protective activity.

Net contents: 60 capsules | MRP Rs.710.00/-

Vestige Noni Benefits

Ayusante Procard

Ayusante Procard

Procard is a unique powerful formulation of well-known cardio-tonic and cardio-protective ingredients that offers optimal cardio-vascular health. All these ingredients have been extensively researched for their beneficial effects on lipid management, supporting the normalization of lipid levels including serum cholesterol, LDL, triglycerides and HDL cholesterol and thus play a vital role in supporting cardio-vascular health.

Net contents: 60 capsules | MRP Rs.820.00/-

Vestige Glucosamine Benefits

Ayusante Glucohealth

Ayusante Glucohealth

Gluco Health a unique proprietary formulation, offers a comprehensive natural alternative for maintenance of normal glycemic health to support and manage hyperglycemia. The ingredients have been extensively researched and found to improve glycemic index and also provide strength to keep body free from chronic ailments of hyperglycemia.

Net contents: 60 capsules | MRP Rs.680.00/-

Vestige Noni Benefits

Vestige Ayusante Liverhealth

Vestige Ayusante Liverhealth

Vestige Ayusante LIVERHEALTH is a combination of Swertia Chirata(Ciraita), Picrorhiza kurroa(Kutuka), Piper longum (Pipali), Vitis vinifera (COMMON GRAPE-Draksha), Silybum marianum (Bhatkataiya).

Vestige Ayusante LIVERHEALTH helps in:

  1. Rejuvenating the damaged liver cells.
  2. Anti-inflammatory action in hepatitis.
  3. Stimulating regeneration by restricting fibrosis.
  4. Useful ingredients for treatment of chronic liver diseases.
  5. Improve the concentration of liver enzymes which help in rejuvenation of the liver.

Net contents: 60 capsules | MRP Rs.765.00/-

Vestige Ayusante Kidneyhealth Benefits

Vestige Ayusante Kidneyhealth

Vestige Ayusante Kidneyhealth

Vestige Ayusante KIDNEYHEALTH is a combination of Emblica officinalis(Amla), Crataeva nurvala(Varun), Tribulus terrestris(Gokshur), Saxifraga ligulata wall(Pashanbheda), Tinospora cordifoilia(Giloe), Phyllanthus niruri(Bhumi amla), Swet parpati.

Vestige Ayusante KIDNEYHEALTH has the following advantages:

  1. Considered as the stonebreaker.
  2. The herb neutralises the enzyme responsible for stone formation and reduces the production of stone forming chemicals by the body.
  3. Works as diuretic which makes it a good choice for body that has tendencies of fluid retention.
  4. Contains important ingredients for treating stone in kidneys and urinary bladder.
  5. It is a rejuvenator that enhances the healing process and immunity.
  6. Interferes with the different stages of stone formation, reduces crystal aggregation and modifies their structure and composition.

Net contents: 60 capsules | MRP Rs.760.00/-

Vestige Ayusante Respocare Benefits

Vestige Ayusante Respocare

Vestige Ayusante Respocare

Vestige Ayusante RESPOCARE is a combination of Dashmool Kwath, Solanum Xanthocarpum (Kankari), Tinospora cordifolia(Giloy), Adhatoda vasica(Vasaka), Ocimum sanctum(Tulsi), Piper longum (Pipali), Zingiber officinale (Sauth/Ginger) and Piper nigrum (Kali mirch).

Vestige Ayusante RESPOCARE is an ideal choice for respiratory problems as it has the following features.

  1. For Cough and Asthma and for those with congested and weak lungs.
  2. Bronchodilator effect as it helps in reduction in the bronchial mucosal edema and reductions in the secretions within the airway lumen.
  3. Improves the immunity and prevents recurrent infections.
  4. Tulsi is known to heal the problems associated with throat and chest.
  5. It is the best herb used to treat common cold, flu and headaches.
  6. Pipali is very effective in case of mucus and cold conditions
  7. Ginger can minimize symptoms of the common cold and other respiratory conditions shows expectorant property.
  8. Helps to break up the mucus.

Net contents: 60 capsules | MRP Rs.730.00/-

Vestige Ayusante Prosate Care Benefits

Vestige Ayusante Prosate Care

Vestige Ayusante Prosate Care

The prostate is a gland inside the male body which plays an important role in reproduction. As men age, the gland grows with the body and eventually causes a condition called enlarged prostate which heavily impacts the quality of life. Ayusante Prostate Care is a unique combination of Boerhaavia diffusa, Crataeva nurvala, Asparagus racemosus, Bauhinia veriegata, Asphaltum punjabinum, Tribulus terrestris, Clitoria ternatea and Areca catechu which helps in supporting prostate health. These ingredients help in preventing prostate enlargement by balancing cell production and scavenging free radicals. It also relieves symptoms of enlarged prostate by relieving inflammation and supporting healthy flow of urine and thus helps elderly men retain their comfort in old age.

Net contents: 60 capsules | MRP Rs.525.00/-