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How to Success in Network Marketing

Short answer: Work diligently, work consistently, and don't give up.

Long answer: all companies are different, and what works in one company might not work in another. You should learn from your upline -- ask them what works and what you should do to succeed. Draw on them for help. They're interested in your success.

The fundamental ideas, though, are the same in any company. Do what a distributor/associate/whatever is supposed to do in your company -- retail products, sell services, consume products, whatever -- and find others to do the same. Teach them to do what you do.

*Duplication* is the key to success in MLM. You're not supposed to go out and enroll the world, or sell something to everybody on the planet. You're supposed to find a FEW people who want to build a business, and help them do it. More importantly, teach THEM to do what a distributor does, AND go out and find a few people to work with, AND teach those new people. Until you have "taught your people to teach their people to teach," you have not really duplicated yourself.

Keep plugging away. Unless you're incredibly good at this, it will take time to build a group. It takes time to find good people and teach them what they need to know. Sometimes your best people will give up and drop out. Sometimes it can be very discouraging. Sometimes you may be tempted to give up. (And if your company isn't working very well, maybe you should. But if the company's working well, and others are succeeding, you need to take a look at what YOU'RE doing that isn't working. It may be that you wouldn't do any better in another company, even if the grass looks greener, because you're doing the wrong things.)

It is a sad fact that a very small percentage of people who enroll in any particular MLM will succeed big. This is NOT, however, a fatal flaw of MLM; it's a reflection of real life. 90%+ of small businesses fail within 1-5 years -- and the owners lose a whole lot more than the few hundred dollars an MLM person typically invests. 98%+ of corporate employees will never achieve executive levels. 95% of 65-year-old retirees in the US (according to insurance & Social Security statistics) are dead or broke. The sad fact is, very few people succeed big in ANY endeavor. Most people simply will not do what it takes to succeed. MLM is no different in this regard.

However, many people get into an MLM with the idea that it's some kind of "easy road to riches". It's not. It takes work. It takes time and dedication. But most people don't see that, either because their sponsor misled them with rosy predictions of instant wealth, or because they chose to hear the easy story. People like this enroll and don't do anything, or give it a try but give up after a few months. This is where the vast majority of "MLM failures" comes from.

The biggest problem with MLM is that it's "too easy" to get into it (usually no more than a few hundred dollars), so it's "too easy" to get out. With only a few hundred bucks committed, it's easy for someone to say "Ah, heck, I talked to 4 people and none of them were interested. This doesn't work! Guess I wasted $200." (And, often, "So MLM is a scam!!")

You should approach your business as if it was a "real" business, one that you had invested your life savings into. If you had sunk $200,000 into your MLM business, would you let 4 "no"s stop you? Hell no!! You'd get back OUT there and KEEP working until you MADE it work, because you had too darn much money in it to give up! Well, guess what? That's what makes MLM work too -- that dedication to keep working until you make it work.

If you work consistently, and effectively, and build your group faster than the faint-hearted people drop out, your group will slowly but steadily build. And if you've taught your people the correct ideas of "work consistently, work effectively, and teach your people how to duplicate your efforts", you should see a consistent rate of growth. It will probably take longer than you'd like (hey, that's the way life works!), but as long as you keep working at it, your income will eventually build to the level you want.

The problem is, most people don't do this. Most people who get into MLM give it a half-hearted try, then give up the first time they get a "no" and complain that "It doesn't work." Only the people who determine to put in the effort, and actually DO what it takes to succeed, will stick it out and end up on top.